The three basic sources of education are Nature, Society and Human. The education happens by manifestation  of knowledge we get from those sources naturally.  Exposure and connection to the sources builds up  personalities, characters, capacities, thoughts and dreams, the basis for building the future. The authority and existence have been given to different things in different point of time, as per the situation and time.

The natural growth, good and bad, the beauties, goodness, badness, the natural building of capacities both physical and mental are done by nature. The depletion of natural law, the natural existence, following the seasons, sun and rain, cool and hot,  the effects and affects of nature, beauties and calamities,   the natural power for survival we get from nature.

The growth, the capacities get the power from the society for social existence, love, compassion, emotions, hatred ness and natural justice. The social powers furnish the limiting forces of education for growth and applications with all its strengths and weaknesses. The execution is subordinated by natural creation of almighty,   the natural conflicts arise and results in selection, competitiveness, rejections. The process demonstrates the establishment of truth in its original form, by protecting human dignity.

The general objectives of education is translated among individual differences, preferences and selection. The process forces for critical thinking, self introspection, search of truth, accepting the universe as it is, following the law of nature and society, understanding and realising the things in its original form. The experience and knowledge of generations are transferred through communication, through conversation, through demonstrations, through examples by use of human power. Ways to show emotions, to feel through the hearts, to think through the minds are educated by the teachers, the parents, the friends, the peers, the associates and by people, come in contact.

Schools and Higher Education Institutions have established systems to build the new generation through Natural Power, Social Power and Human Power. While major disruptions are expected, it should happen by protecting its core values and efficacy with new knowledge and natural abilities to build with life, happinesss and peace ………

Published On: June 1, 2020352 wordsCategories: Uncategorized9 Comments
Think Education - I : Education is a Social Function and Executed in a Social Environment
Think Education III : Education is one of the Best Performing Systems of the Nation.



  1. Unknown June 2, 2020 at 4:16 pm - Reply

    Excellent account of education in building human power. Well written and articulated nicely…

  2. Biswabandita June 2, 2020 at 5:57 pm - Reply

    A wonderful coherence among all important parameters i.e., life, relationship, society, environment, relationship and socialization made coagulated around education. This has expressed the exact version, which is the need of time. Present generation should well understand the situation and should accommodate the right pathways, technologies to make self educated. Very well represented the facts Ma'am. Really inspiring.

  3. Dr. Benu Gopal Mohapatra June 3, 2020 at 8:26 am - Reply

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dr. Benu Gopal Mohapatra June 3, 2020 at 8:27 am - Reply

    The article reminds me the ancient days of Gurukul system of education where it always given emphasis on the nature first. The author has presented the information in a very much simplified manner which is heart touching. Thanks a lot madam

  5. Dr.Tapan Bastia June 3, 2020 at 5:00 pm - Reply

    No power is superior to natural power even science fells before it. Human society can prosper with natural power itself but not living it.
    Superb explanation by you madam. Thank you

  6. Unknown June 4, 2020 at 8:02 am - Reply

    Very effective way of explanations

  7. Unknown June 4, 2020 at 5:53 pm - Reply

    Very much informative and also motivating at the current scenario.

  8. Dr Ashok Kumar Sahoo June 4, 2020 at 7:49 pm - Reply

    Rightly defined the source of education i.e. NSM (Nature, Society & Human). Presented in a systematic way. Thank you madam.

  9. Prof. Dr. S. K. Baral June 13, 2020 at 2:15 pm - Reply

    The author has nicely explained through her article about the value based relationship among Nature, Society and Human for establishing future road map for ensuring valued education. The author further, has nicely given an insight to; how halosiness could be removed from minds through calmness to lead smoothness in life. Prof. Sasmita Samanta has acknowledged a great impact of life; the self-development is bigger than skill-development. A very powerful writing to show the path for the Next Generation. (Prof. S. K. Baral, IGNTU, Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh)


Sasmita Samanta

Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

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