Necessity is the Mother of Invention. When  Covid19 outbreak has disrupted the social and economic system of the globe drastically. The social structures, the traditions, the institutions built in thousand years have been disturbed by the global pandemic. Education system built up following the nature, societal livings and human aspirations has been disrupted with disruption of social system. This pandemic has built up the capacities of even smallest institution of the country, to go virtual, to devise mechanism to remain connected with the students, helping them to learn and grow in the changed situation, to take care of them as per the need of the time. Educational concern of the Indian institutions as a whole has evolved the new dimension to keep its significance dominant in the society among the youth. The aspiration for natural development of human beings even in changing situation to maintain its supremacy in God’s creation, has helped for evolution of education system, driven by technology, trust and will power. As all other mediums, physical and social both have been seized by the nature, the teachers, students, technology, relationships have taken their appropriate place to continue, with parental and institutional support. 
The teachers, who had never used the mail or social media, could use it perfectly for their strong affiliation to the natural system and natural habits to contribute and also passion for clearly thought out purpose. Human has natural instinct to fight for survival against nature. So slowly all wild animals have gone inside the jungle and the pet animals and others who are not vulnerable are living with human beings in the society to make the lives beautiful and enjoyable. Some of them provide services for human survival.
The innovations done by the members of educational institutions for online education, online examination, continue learning from distance, maintaining academic relevance through webinars and online conferences with peers shows their deliberate concern for education. Which shows the command of institutions to do in-congenial work for development of humanity. Such actions have been appreciated by learners upto large extent and helped them to remain connected to routine, not being stressed out by the disruptions. 
While fighting with poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, the low economic growth, this country has developed the human infrastructure to take care of 310 million students in schools and higher education institutions instead of paucity of physical infrastructure, has developed the digital infrastructure in last decade to enable the whole education system, stay connected and continue learning. Our economic system is flexible enough to perform even after 70 days of lock down.
This experiment has set the examples for all the academic institutions that the age old method followed by them can be changed, and can be changed with the existing system and existing man power. Human Resources in academic institutions is flexible enough to accept the change and strong enough to sustain even in crisis and innovate to perform. 
The academic system of this country, has contributed to the world with the best human power in the   field of Art, Science, Technology, Medicine, Economics etc to rule over the world. And today it is confident enough to stand tall to be one of the best performing system of the globe with respect to academic, research, innovation and leadership. The year long aspiration of this country to make its academic system more effective with the knowledge of Science, Society, Culture and Spirituality to strengthen the mind and soul is going to bring the systemic change, which will educate the youth for self introspection, critical thinking and innovation in the area of interest being connected to nature and get the worldly wisdom to apply, to execute. 
Hats off to the architects, the nature, the society, the human beings and time…….
Published On: June 2, 2020628 wordsCategories: Uncategorized5 Comments
Think Education II : Naturally Building the Next Generation with Social Efficacy



  1. Unknown June 2, 2020 at 8:29 pm - Reply

    Highly motivational and encouraging. Indeed a quality article with lot of vision and passion. Truely exceptional. Thank you Madam…

  2. Unknown June 3, 2020 at 4:44 am - Reply

    Excellent Article for society. Thank you madam

  3. Dr.Tapan Bastia June 3, 2020 at 5:02 pm - Reply

    Education and society are both sides of a coin. Any society can prosper with advancement in education system. Really the article shows your extra ordinary brilliancy ma'am.
    God bless you

  4. Dr Ashok Kumar Sahoo June 5, 2020 at 6:50 pm - Reply

    High level quality article. Exceptional Indeed…

  5. Biswabandita June 12, 2020 at 5:46 pm - Reply



Sasmita Samanta

Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

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