If the resistance of a blowing stone, when stuck on a wall is more, it remains same, otherwise it is broken into pieces, it never acts against the blow to reduce its energy or to keep its shape intact. The human being tries to struggle against the blow, when crushed by the superior force. It struggles, it fights, it changes its life and way of living to survive, to keep its existence intact. The living being exists with renewal.
Education is designed to support the efforts of human to learn, to apply and to renew its existence with the power of knowledge, power of thoughts and power of wisdom. May not change outwardly, but strengthen its soul …… ‘Education is the Life of Society‘. Education exists or knowledge of generation is transferred to next generation through transmission, direct or indirect communication, formal schooling / tutoring. It helps the society for renewal by passing the experience and knowledge by a well designed system, renewed by the dreams of new generation. The minds are nurtured together to connect with the power of knowledge, for self introspection, critical thinking and exhibited with the power of professional skills acquired through out.
A crisis, which was never imagined by the policy makers, scientists, medicos, microbiologists that it will shake the whole world, will affect millions of people, take lives of few hundred thousand people. Not only that whole world will be under lock down and seven billion people will be under restricted movements. Thousands of people are loosing their jobs, some are being pushed to extreme poverty due to decrease in demand and restrictions in access to the services, products etc. Most of the lanes of cities are calm and quiet. Social Distancing, Quarantine, Isolation etc etc. have become the familiar words for the whole civilisation in last couple of months. We all are trying to understand and interpret it in our own way , guided by media and enforced by administrators.
It has disrupted the whole formal learning system, developed and grown in centuries and evolved through continuous renewal process. The teachers, the educationist, the policy makers, the thought leaders are experimenting and trying to explore the ways to evolve with all its strengths, already existed and explored in crisis in last half year, a model with new incarnation. Hope, this new system will eliminate all the existing traditional system continuing because of the stubbornness of the system and people, leading it and generate a system to transform the realisations necessary for the interest, purpose and ideas of current generation. The beliefs and aspirations will be transmitted to the youth through technology, which will be accepted by them.
For the acceptance of thoughts, a social environment is required for introspection, for analysis, for approval. Actions and decisions are true or false subject to the environment, the situation and the people, it deals with. The decisions can be taken together by relating and correlating to number of individuals and environment. The social power incubates the thoughts being transmitted, which is critically examined by the mind power of all inmates in the school / class and then accepted as per the personality, attitude and thought process of individuals, normalised by social system.
The core of Civilisation, the relationships and socialisation have not changed the places in lives, in soul. People are connected to each other strongly to understand the purpose and devise the ways.
The present education system, not only passes the information, but it educates the youth to accept the thoughts, the ways to analyse with the environment, to consider the others’ prospective and choose the best one fit for him or her as per his or her aspirations. If technology is going to take the place of campuses, the teachers, the laboratories only information will be communicated…….?, the new system will evolve ……. ? . Let us wait …………

Sasmita Samanta
Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

Excellent Mam, it’s true education give us the strength to lead the life and society.
Really nice piece of writing. No doubt education is a significant amenity in everyone's life and getting the knowledge of the same from someone like you is absolutely wonderful.
Respected Madam, the article is really awesome, connecting themes from the past to current social issues, unbelievable. Understanding Education system is always considered to be a thoughtful process but the article has connected to several important areas to address these critical points and simplified a lot. No doubt, the present situation has disrupted the existing mindset of teachers as well as students. However, the use of right technology has enabled to stand at the apex level
Very Informative as well as consolidated mam
Good evening Madam, yes community has a strong impact on human nature and attitude. Though at times we fight, but discipline in our society has saved us in many ways. You have well explained, it may be of fear, burden or social formalities but community life has help us to fight against the pandemic. Being social…………..solves thousands of problems
Informative and thought provoking…
Importance of Education is well presented by Author.
Mrutyunjay Jena