Rebuilding the Path : Relationship ?, Governance ? , Expectations ? or All
The work space was disrupted completely after out break of Covid-19 around the globe. The huge well designed, well equipped, work spaces were of no use. The workers worked from home, in some places, where human intervention is very much required particularly the logistics, transportation, hospitality and tourism etc. the people stayed without any job since last one and half year. Knowledge Industries including education, software, consulting etc., people worked from home.
The whole working group had tried to adjust in this unpredictable situation, but many of them went to stress, many became bankrupt. Now since last few weeks, the organization are trying to call back their employees into the campus. But now, lots of questions are there with the business owners and decision makers. It is because
Few systems or businesses did well during this one and half years.
People have changed their working habits and have used to work from their
own comfort zone.
Question is that the age old processes, which were obsolete, needs to be relooked to match to the expectations of new business environment
Restructuring needs lots of experiences, foresights and expertise
The people stayed at home, have very less connection with organizational system
Employee employer relationships are disrupted because of remote working, in some organization, employees have suffered from loss of pay, loss of jobs. Concern is rebuilding the faith.
How employees will respond to following strict working hour, schedule, following instructions etc.
It has not only disrupted the work space, but also it has disrupted the personal style of living. In many places, the house care takers have left, the children are used to spend more time with the parents and learned to live in the emotional comfort zone. Members of families have become more dependent on each other. Of course it has helped a lot to develop bonding and strengthening relationship in family. But, how it will affect the future of work ?
In many countries, they started opening but slowly in hybrid mode, by declaring maximum 2-4 days on-sight work and rest from home according to the nature of job and after due consideration to working habits of the employees.
Human centric processes are being built up around the globe to keep the system agile for employees and environment. Big addition to the technological infrastructure has created new avenues to change the working style and has become another cost centre for the business. Technological intervention has eased the use of data in businesses and trying to rebuild a data driven system.
In this disruptive, highly agile system, which functions and grows with the capability of empathy, understanding human emotions, perceiving human aspirations and develops a product and system to match with it, will it get aligned to a data driven system,
The importance of natural intelligence is clashing with artificial intelligence to prove its authenticity or both are going together collaboratively to increase the efficiency of the system, is a big question. Yet, decision makers are trying to develop a hybrid model by giving importance to both HI and AI, Physical work and remote work, trying to bring both professional and humane prospective to the work place.
Let us see how it works, whether it will work well or this new thought will bring a revolution in workplace and working group of people or it will transform the corporate and institutes and a new era will evolve automatically which will fit to the need and expectations both.

Sasmita Samanta
Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

More or less, the tale is conceived in one's brain but, its inculcation and proper description is mater of thought process that touches the high altitude even without the fur. I would humbly request Hon'ble Madam, author of the tale, to think upon more and more that can bring an appropriate relaxation during the darkness.
O/o DyCoE & O/o Dean
School of Civil Engineering
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar
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I wish this shall even pass away and would be a history in the journey…
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Prof. Samanta you have nicely brought in the concept of HI and AI in creating a hybrid work culture in the post pandemic era. Every work culture's core is humane. If we consider in general, every organization and culture is different, and so are the circumstances of every individual employee. So, I believe, inputs from all stake holders is vital to analyze the optimal mix of home – office – hybrid work arrangements and create culture and values in an organization keeping both professionalism and humanism as its DNA.
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