We all are locked down and shut down inside the house and able to operate schools, universities, industries, jims, studios, offices, home, kitchen etc from the same place and perhaps the houses are optimally used today than ever before. Drawing rooms are full with files, books, gadgets etc. The dining tables have been converted to working tables. The families, where members never stayed together more than 24 hours at a stretch, they are staying together since mid of March, 2020, since last 90 days. The innovations of years for making state of the art working space for attracting the good employees, which will motivate them to increase their productivity has suddenly become obsolete. It is no more conducive to work. It does not fulfil the minimum requirement of providing security for maintaining a good health. 


The story telling by the grand parents, which had lost its context, has become the most favorite source of entertainment for the children. Children are putting the experiences of old on their lap, holding wisdom of last generations in their mind and trying to evolve with their own experiences with present to prepare themselves for future, with a hope that future will be more beautiful.  The mythological stories and serials are mostly discussed by each one of the members of the family and now characters are known to all, even the teachings of each and every events and actions are being explored by each one of the individual according to their level of understanding. Grand Parents’ opinion on those issues are considered as supreme.


Kitchens are open since morning 6 am to night 10 pm. Children have started moving around the kitchen, for whom, it was one of the most unwanted place and who always search for a scope to bring packed food from outside. Each floor has become the dance floor, each camera is suiting the program to be viewed by radio. television etc. Those jobs have also lost its relevance. Now slowly, we have understood that we can do everything without any formal training, the time has taught this. So formal training for skilling and reskilling has lost its importance. We have to create environment and scope for explorations, innovations. 


Book racks are unmanaged because of its over use by each one of the member of the family. The Balconies are full in the morning and evening. 


The lock downs and shut downs have made the houses the place of learning, place of work. Place of worship, place of entertainment and place of knowledge. It has united the generations together to Think think and think…..


Published On: June 28, 2020438 wordsCategories: Uncategorized7 Comments
Community Power : Spiritual Humanism
Termite in Action



  1. Dilip Kumar Samantasinghar June 28, 2020 at 11:14 am - Reply

    "kari karaau thae sehi, taa bunu anya gati naahi" and"samaya bada balabaan". These two lines, I hope, are more or less familiar to each and every Odia. "Jo ho rahaa thaa aachhe keliye, jo ho rahaa hai aachhe keliye aur jo hoga, wo bhi aachhe keliye". At this juncture, we have to accept it since, nothing is in our hands. Great philosophical tale inked by the narrator.
    Exam Cell School of Civil Engineering KIIT DU.

  2. TUMPA SINHA June 28, 2020 at 1:30 pm - Reply

    Lovely ! Enjoyed reading. I found the content very relatable. Being a grandparent I adore the second paragraph. Vividly written.

    Samir Kumar Sinha

  3. Dr Ashok Kumar Sahoo June 28, 2020 at 3:45 pm - Reply

    Covid 19 homes: Houses are meant for learning in this pandemic. Exceptionally well content and well written.

  4. Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura June 29, 2020 at 2:36 am - Reply

    Hello Dr Samanta,
    You have outdone yourself by writing this fantastic blog which touches our daily lifestyle transformation that this pandemic has brought.
    COVID-19 has changed the status quo in many aspects. We cannot deny the fact that there are many positive implications to it which has been so nicely mentioned in this post. It’s so true that COVID has united generations and rejoined those missing links. Let’s live these moments to the fullest.

  5. Unknown June 29, 2020 at 2:41 am - Reply

    Each word of the article is more or less experienced by all of us during this pandemic. The place of importance has been shifted from workplace to home; however, fulfilling the objectives of life is never stopped due to pandemic. Rather it created a positive ambiance to make our home more beautiful. The author has penned down the untold truth in a nice manner. Thanks for this heart touching article. (Dr. B.G. Mohapatra)

  6. Dr Gaganendu Dash June 30, 2020 at 12:06 pm - Reply

    Lovely writing . Covid has made us to stay together and interact with one another staying within family. I appreciate the timing and practicality of the article for our self realization. Thanks.

  7. Unknown July 6, 2020 at 5:48 am - Reply

    Very nicely written article Madam. This explanation has really touched our daily life during this crisis yet has taught us how one can live simply with great satisfaction at heart. Sincere Regards to You.


Sasmita Samanta

Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

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