Affiliate to Purpose and Create your Brand
Paradigm shift in functioning of the organization from a profit centric man driven system to automated purpose driven system is bringing lots of cultural and humane change inside the organization itself. The profit focused organization have already existed for 200 years and witnessed three industrial revolutions. The concept is not going to work any more. Rightly interpreted and defined by Md. Yunus, Bangladeshi Nobel Laureate, Business always can not be only for the profit, yes profit is a very important motivator or stimulator for entrepreneurs, but apart from that business can be done for addressing the collecting benefit, not the sole benefit of the entrepreneur always.
Organization have been transformed from people to talent, which is pushing to convert the focus from profit to purpose. The competitors, the customers etc. become collaborator and act on trust built on values created by it. The formal and informal both the structures are becoming the basics of networking and building organizational relationships. Capabilities, performances, empathy, adaptability and agility are being the core for existence and growth. From a competitive culture it is slowly shifting to collaborative culture, where relationship plays the supreme role.
In such scenario, where the organization with different objectives, culture, purpose and values have to work together, it is very essential to
Define a very clear and broad Purpose, which can connect the hearts and minds of human being naturally.
Establish Values and strengthen it day by day to carry sense of pride and respect for all the contributors
Created Legacy by establishing unique culture and tradition in the organization, which becomes identity for all
The era of ownership of organization is going to be over and the contributors for the purpose will carry the identity for the organization and themselves
Create the team of capable, responsive and talented people to drive the system
Let the organization run in auto mode and human power be the accelerator for it, not the driver
Manual repetitive jobs will be automated by machines and human jobs should be humane only, cognitive, agile, thoughtful etc.
The senior executives should create more and more values and be the game changer and take game changing decisions and in a lean structure of decision making, which adds values to the purpose
Each one of such people will be enterprising and will serve the purpose and create their own identity out of this
Post Covid 19, the speed of decision making and agility in operation have become very crucial in any organisation. Rather than micro managing the activities, empowering each functional head, will give prompt and more efficient result to execute and it will facilitate execution excellence, vital for any strategy. Communicate transparently inside the organisational framework and while re-entry in the organisation after the pandemic.
Building Relationships, creating organisational values, committed for the purpose, will create future leaders of this globe, irrespective of title and profile, a person gets in any organisation. Trust on yourself, bank on your own strength, create your own purpose, decide the point of affiliation, be proud of values you created for the purpose, affiliate yourself to the purpose boldly and create your own brand. Organisation Next will be driven by enterprising people together, collaboratively, not in isolation.
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Sasmita Samanta
Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

The sphere and scope of the title is beyond the galaxy. Creation of one's own brand is possible only at the cost of selfless, concentrated and sincere efforts. Burning example of such fragrance is our KIIT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS.
Thanks a lot madam for paving the bricks of beautiful words.
Exam Cell, School of Civil Engineering KIIT DU
Very conceptual and realistic as far as today’s era is concerned. Dr Samanta you have brought forward a very important aspect of Purpose over Profit and I feel Profit would definitely be a byproduct if we focus on our Purpose and Mission. Team work with clear mission would surely lead to success.
Many times we have seen companies try to list all of their stakeholders in their purpose and then explain in very high brow language how they are solving their current problems right now.The thing about purpose is that it should be unchangeable over a long period of time. It is the why not how Nicely explained article.