The crusaders imagine the world in their thoughts and vision, full of uncertainties and risks, purely hypothetical and imaginary, till it is followed by the events or facts. The exploration of unknown is adventure. Adventure is calculated risk with probabilities and uncertainties by the depth, experience and exposure to the field. 
While a farmer was ploughing his field, suddenly a mouse came out from the den, as its den was broken by the axe of the plough. The mouse just started running inside the field. At the same time an eagle was flying on the sky, in search of food. It looked towards the mouse and thought, what type of animal is this. Perhaps it has lost its wings with the curse of God or its wings are burnt in sun. So it came down and picked up the mouse on its beak and flied high to the sky. It flew for hours and after that again left the mouse on the ground. Mouse had seen the world from the height, the beauties of mountains, the springs, the greeneries, the sea, flowers and many more. So, while it came to the ground and lived for few days with the mice inside den, for few days, again it thought, perhaps that was the dream and world is like this. It had met with one animal, who was angel from the God and took it to heaven for some time. Thoughts are generated from comparison with co-existence. 
But eagle, when it grew up slowly and got exposure to the world, understood the world, it could see the big elephants, roaring tigers, intelligent human beings and could think how small is it in comparison to size, strength and intellect. And thanked God that it is fortunate to remain safe in this big world with so many powerful animals and staying in height to enjoy this creation. . 
Till the moment, man believed in yes or no, existing or not existing, a sharp distinction between knowledge and ignorance, the science did not progress or just had the accidental advancement. The inventions and discoveries happened, only when those doubts were converted to enquiries for search of truth, for establishment of facts. In Chhandogya Upanishad it has been mentioned that in symbolic meditation, which is associated with sacrifice, the worshiper finds certain similarities between inferior objects and superior objects and employs the former as the symbol of later. Om is a symbol of Symbolic meditation. 
A compelling force drives the thoughts who have deep commitment to the intent, which is not accidental.  The thoughts which are formed as a cumulative result of positive events. Such events are witnessed by the humans, stand by their passionate commitment, take the ownership of their own responsibilities and having courage to execute their thoughts into actions. They can visualize the opportunities and put efforts in the right time to convert the thoughts into actions. At times, they sacrifice their personal interests for fulfilment of common purpose, for benefit of mass. The realization of facts and consequences gives confidence and are the sources of positive thoughts that emerge with repetitive experimentations and realizations. 
The establishment of peace in nature, while struggling with nature for survival happens only when the thoughts, followed by conscious actions are reflected through realization of beauties and goodness for all. If the thoughts are not acted upon for fulfilment of common purpose and leaves with the mercy of nature, which may be pleasant breeze or devastating cyclone, the darkness of uncertainties and ignorance. The cohesiveness between actions and thoughts give positive results and culminates hopes for positive thoughts. 
The father of nation, the hero of the time, who brought freedom for all Indians, Mahatma Gandhiji could succeed based on his positive thoughts, meticulous planning and strong drive for transmitting the thoughts into people by demonstrating through several events like Lavana Satyagraha, Civil Disobedience Movement and Quit India Movement. Those actions created the confidence and positive hopes or thoughts among all the people of this country to act upon. The successful execution of thoughts create positive thoughts. 
Nelson Mandela, the South African anti-apartheid leader, who went to jail twenty eight times, to bring freedom and spent twenty two years in jail. He had raised above all the worldly comforts and luxury and was ready to sacrifice his life for the liberation of common mass in the path of peace and justice. The acceptance of sacrifice for a common purpose creates positive thoughts, to believe, to pursue and making it consequential t bring happiness for all. 
On active experiential testing thoughts are converted to knowledge and the value of knowledge is subordinated to its use in thoughts. The objective is prospective and retrospective knowledge is distinct from thoughts and its values for solidity with future. 
Published On: June 14, 2020829 wordsCategories: Uncategorized13 Comments
Designing a Conscious Society
Humanism is the Power to Define Community



  1. Dilip Kumar Samantasinghar June 14, 2020 at 5:33 am - Reply

    Afterall, positive attitude and well experience enable one to become unique or masterpiece. This is what the narrator pens through her epic. Burning example of current era is none other than our lovable Hon'ble Founder KIIT GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS.

  2. Dr. Amlan Panda June 14, 2020 at 6:34 am - Reply

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Dr. Amlan Panda June 14, 2020 at 6:36 am - Reply

    Great thoughts and vision are turns into adventure with in depth knowledge and experience. Fantastic example has been cited here with a nicely narrated story of farmer and mouse. Yes, it is rightly said that “The successful execution of thoughts craft positive thoughts”. Congratulations to the author for visualizing positive thoughts with meditation, profound commitment, and immense scarification.

  4. Arun Ray June 14, 2020 at 7:28 am - Reply

    Actions spring from thoughts. Positive thoughts leads to positive actions. Positive actions have the capacity to change the world as mentioned in the article nicely…..

  5. Unknown June 14, 2020 at 8:38 am - Reply

    Author nicely elaborated the concept of designing positive thoughts. Two most important conclusions are stated below from the article as
    1. The cohesiveness between actions and thoughts give positive results and culminates hopes for positive thoughts.
    2. The acceptance of sacrifice for a common purpose creates positive thoughts, to believe, to pursue and making it consequential t bring happiness for all.

    Positive thoughts reflect always positive action and leads success in every path in deed.

  6. Unknown June 14, 2020 at 2:29 pm - Reply

    Sometimes we are very much worried about the outcome and make mistakes knowingly or unknowingly but the positivity in our life is a function of our thinking. So think positive and stay positive. The examples narrated in the article will definitely strengthen our thought process and make us happy. Thanks a lot madam for wonderful presentation. (B.G. Mohapatra)

  7. Unknown June 14, 2020 at 3:13 pm - Reply

    As far as my knowledge goes, we all are small creatures like an ant for God. We are getting chance to do better and better with our positiveness and well doing so that will get an opportunity to see the beautiful world or heaven which was experienced by the mouse through the eagle. That connectivity we have to find or to develope by meditation or good work that will continue till end to give energy for any well doing to make our life fruitful.Bandita Paikaray

  8. Dr Ashok Kumar Sahoo June 14, 2020 at 3:28 pm - Reply

    Author nicely elaborated the concept of designing positive thoughts. Two most important conclusions are stated below from the article as
    1. The cohesiveness between actions and thoughts give positive results and culminates hopes for positive thoughts.
    2. The acceptance of sacrifice for a common purpose creates positive thoughts, to believe, to pursue and making it consequential t bring happiness for all.

    Positive thoughts reflect always positive action and leads success in every path in deed.

  9. Unknown June 14, 2020 at 3:40 pm - Reply

    Excellent thought provoking narration has been made in the article. I was truly mesmerized by the way the positive thoughts was linked to sacrifice for a common purpose and the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela were cited. Hope to learn the essence from this article and practice in our life to bring happiness in others.
    Sanjib Moulick

  10. chinmoy Panigrahi June 15, 2020 at 7:01 am - Reply

    The text is nicely elaborated for positive mindsets of great people and is very informative. We will achieve our target if and only if we will deal with positive aspects of the people with patience.

  11. Dr Gaganendu Dash June 16, 2020 at 5:12 am - Reply

    There is a nice quote '" It is not the strongest of the species survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change".Beautifully narrated article with matching example about positive of the best that we read here. You see the way you think and feel about yourself determines everything that happens to you. Designing your own thoughts in the right direction can lead to a better place but sacrificing for a better cause and the society is also the key.

  12. Manal Al-Ali June 16, 2020 at 4:08 pm - Reply

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Manal Al-Ali June 16, 2020 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    No one knows how much we need like these words through these days. I think it's not a shame in many times to lose the hope, because at the end we are humans, but the offense if we give up and don't recover it as fast as possible.
    In physiology, Oxygen, food and water are the necessary things to keep us alive, but believe me without hope our souls will be die, the hope is the only thing which keep us alive, and the positive thoughts and words (like this article) is the roots to give out hope's tree the basic needs to grow up the.

    Thanks ma'am for these thoughts, and a special thank for my guide Dr. B.G. Mohapatra who let me know about this amazing blog.

    with my sincere greetings
    Manal Al- Ali
    Syrian Ph.D student


Sasmita Samanta

Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

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