Most of the leadership Theories followed, taught and learnt are developed in Western counties, predominantly in United States of America, Western Europe and United Kingdom. Those Theories are moving around the Business Houses, Industries, Work Place Management, Work Life Balance, Equality Policies, Human Centric Governance, Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence, Human Psychology etc. Attributes like Humility, Compassion, Values and Empathy are the major parameters of such studies. Outcomes are confined to employees commitment and loyalty resulting overall growth of the institution with respect to scale and profit.
Gandhian Philosophy and Mandela Philophy are two globally most respected Human Philosophies for existence of peace and harmony and contributed a lot for value based leadership theory. The studies done by few western leadership researchers Zhang, Yukl, Laung, Jeffery Pfeffer, Christensten, Lark etc. have contributed substantially to the field including few social psychologists. The ideology and concepts developed in last two decades are centred around political leaders of this Century Barack Obama, Past President of USA, Theresa May, Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Xi Jinping of China, Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India and industrial leaders like Lary Page of Google, Steve Jobs of Apple, Elon Musk of Tesla, Marks Juker Berg of Facebook etc and their life experiences, good or bad, right or wrong, big or small have contributed substantially for development of contemporary leadership theories. . Slowly the concepts like Feemium, Socialisation of Businesses, Creation of Values in the society through effective business models, scaling up and reaching to the mass, empathy, emotional intelligence, human relationship, Trust etc. are the outcome of those studies. The case study of Madam Chanchilla, a Stanford Alumni and Ideology of few German researchers on work life balance have contributed substantially to the study.
My following few visits and one to one interactions with people of those areas including Similipal Jungle of Odisha and my verbal and non-verbal communication with 50-60 people residing in different villages inside the jungle Peripheral villages of Baripada, district headquarter of Mayurbhanj, day long interactions with hundreds of villagers and follow up interactions with academicians, policy makers and highly educated successful youth oh the district Kandhamal district and interaction with couple of villagers and school teachers Discussion with office bearers of village committees of number of interior villages of the state had forced me to rethink about the leadership theory differently.
While visiting and interacting with such people, I could find that this is a different world all together and those communities are growing with the philosophy of naturalism and humanism and basic ideology, core of such leadership is connected to spiritualism and its regular and loyal practices. Majority of such people were illiterate, have never experienced freedom and bound themselves with traditional beliefs and thoughts and tried to follow this. Their children just emulate or follow the lives, their parents lead or in the way they earn their livelihood. The system runs for generations without disruption. Village committees, Puja committees, Temple Committees, Panchayat Committees etc work at free of cost voluntarily by keeping human values and humanity at the top most priority.
In this country, where seventy percent of population live in rural areas and 10-15% of them live in abject poverty, such voluntary institutions drive the whole community and 70 crores of people are socially regulated with such age old ancient system with high degree of commitment and strung faith on this. The combination of commitment and trust drive the generations to be connected to thier route, developing habits of continuous learning, building confidence, as the system is owned by each one of them and taken up with high dignity.
As such leaders and leadership institutions provide services with the concept of ” Basudheya Kutumbakam and Sarbe Bhabantu Sukhina” purely voluntary without any functional and non-functional remuneration, focused only for welfare of the community can be called as “Welfare Leadership”. While all the traditional and contemporary theories of Leadership converge starting from Behavioural, situational and cognitive theories. Here humility, empathy, compassion and feeling of togetherness play a vital role. Attributes like Gratitude, Humility, Wisdom, Strong Character, Empathetic, Persuasive, Esteem Play the major role in defining leadership role of each and every institution and leader.
Several examples are there that this natural human leadership keeps the generation connected to the culture and humanism. While I interacted with village folks, those who are residing in the village and engaged in small miniature jobs, say they are living in peace without support of anyone. They follow traditional professions of their family either agriculture or making indigenous products, produced by using the indigenous technology like extraction of Honey, managing and protecting forest products. Effective utilisation of indigenous resources, art and culture. Millions of such people are driven by their own dream and pioneered by the real life examples.
Human development, Indian Culture, Human Autonomy and Dignity are seen to play a major role and created a check and balance system for maintaining transparency and building confidence and acceptability. Such concept, of Welfare Leadership which is driving a large community or large number of communities is having the capabilities to drive the whole humanity towards accomplishment of human civilisation.
Head of Village, selected by the villagers lead the community by examples, they maintain high moral and ethical standards, contribute unconditionally for the people of that village without any financial aspirations, they organise different events spiritual, institutional or political with the support of the people, where people feel the strength of togetherness and working for the common goal. In the jurisprudence, which is purely based on human values and spiritualism, each and every member of the community follow it with high respect.
The natural evolution of such system focused for human wellbeing or welfare, which has naturally connected large mass of population in this country. Even in cities, such examples of welfare leadership is seen in managing societies, temple administration or for accomplishment of some societal goal.
Now the question is such leadership concepts are universally acceptable because of its sanity and purity in the system, which is driven by gratitude, love and commitment to service for the humanity or absence of commercial involvement or absence of fear of concentration of power, money etc. with particular group of people provides opportunities for universal ownership and leadership, which makes the system self sustainable. No codified rule or regulation, no monitoring, no controlling just based on………

Sasmita Samanta
Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

Hon'ble Madam, in general, the team Leader denotes to Father or Guardian of a family in patriarchal society. All its members run purely through the throttle controlled by that single person. Similarly, it's the first & foremost duty & responsibility of a leader to lead the soil towards betterment of each & every grass to be recognised as Welfare Leader.
Thanks a lot Madam to drag the reality to limelight.
O/o DyCoE & O/o Dean
School of Civil Engineering
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar
Respected Madam,
Wonderful article covering on Welfare Leadership focused for communities dwelling at different places such as Jungle, Village, Suburban, City etc.
Leadership.is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common objective.
The role of welfare leader is to do well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, & prosperity of people.
There is room in this world for more welfare leaders.
The model of one leader at the top with everyone else at the bottom just doesn't work for communities.
One or two leaders can't possibly solve all the complex problems that our communities face.
With more welfare leaders, our communities will do better dwelling in jungles, Villages, suburbans, Cities etc.
The more people become welfare leaders, the more problems we will solve.
We need welfare leaders to think about and organize around many issues: youth development, economic growth, substance abuse, crime, the environment, health care — the list goes on and on.
Each issue will require a troop of skilled leaders to handle them.
We need leaders for doing welfare of people who are women, men ,young people , low -income people, immigrants, people with disabilities and many others that have been told that they should follow others, not lead.
We need leadership from all walks of life in order for ours to be a truly democratic society.
We all have to learn to cooperate.
We all need to put aside longings for turf, status, and power in order to achieve goals that benefit everyone.
Leadership is art of motivating a group of people to act towards common goals. Leadership captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others. But at KIIT and KISS Prof Samanta our leader inspire us to act while simultaneously directing our way that we act.
Sustainable leadership is a process of influence that delivers directions, alignment and commitment the way you leading us respected Ma'am. It reminds us that leadership is not a position it is a process of influence that for change, coordinate our activities for collective success. We are really fortunate to work under leadership who guided us for excellence.