In 1589, Galilio became Professor at University of Pisa at the age of 25 in the Department of Mathematics. As per Galilio, weight has no relation with time of falling the object on the ground, the rate of descent depends upon the resistance of air. Aristotle, the great philosopher questioned this theory and put his descent in it. But, Galilio stood with it, after some time, his theory got approval and acclaim. Having courage to stand with our own views, and confronting with the world for it without fear is really very much appreciating and helps us to get the respect for our job, our thoughts and actions. The courage not only comes from the fearless attitude for confrontation, but it comes from the confidence we gather for ourselves slowly, while we contribute, and get the success for ourselves, for the people we care, we love, we lead or for the mass. It changes our attitude towards the people. Slowly we open up with confidence.

The priests and saints of ancient age believed that earth is the centre of universe and sun, moon, planets, and stars are moving around it. Copernicus made his own study and found that earth is a small planet and it is revolving around the Sun. This study had hurt the sentiments of time, all popes of the Church and priests of temples were against those thoughts. So once he thought to dedicate his book to Pope Paul, who can convince the people and publish the book. After years, when, Copernicus was in death bed, one person brought the published copy of the book and he could die peacefully. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to open the door, accept the new ideas, get swept away by those ideas, making it your world, living the idea and stand by it. To do it, we have to open the door of our heart and mind to accept the new ness, then only we can accept the new innovations and can believe in it. 

My grandmother was getting up in the morning, and after the Sun Rise she was opening the main door of the house and closing it only after Sun Set. During the day time, so many people were coming, the neighbours, the farmers, those who were working in the field, Yogis, saints and many more. While, they were coming, they were being offered some food, water and after that they were taking rest for some time and telling their stories. Their life style, about their food, cooking style, their system of prioritising the things in life etc. The saints, yogis were talking about mythological stories, asking us to chant the shlokas or hymns and they were listening to us and explaining us the meanings and applications in life.  We all were enjoying it. During that time,  we were too small to understand the reason behind it. We could not realise, while we were listening the stories, I was going out and those characters were coming in and staying as the part of our realisation. 

The Indians Managers, while they join after University in a Company in India, they expect the guidance from the seniors and take few years to be the independent decision makers. But in USA, where children are given option to stay away from the house and be independent of their own decision at the age of 18, after joining the company at the age of 22-25 years of age, they immediately become the decision makers and run the company in their won way within the defined frame work. Indians working in New York, do not behave in the same way with aggressiveness, as they behave in Mumbai. They behave more responsible.


Vivekananda says it is our weakness, not the fate that we be the victims of cunning men not the God men. The priests manipulate the innocence and ignorant because of their lack of knowledge and wisdom about the world. Abhimanyu could deny the order of Yudhisthir to enter into the Chakravyuh, because of his   confidence on his wisdom that he can enter inside the chakra and save the lives of  Pandav Soldiers. He knew that he will die, yet he entered because he was clear about his objectives and actions to follow it.  His commitment for his mother, the concern for the respect of his father Arjun and uncle Srikrishna, had built up his confidence.  

Jagannath Sanskruti (culture), which is open, in which there is no restrictions for any caste to follow the principles, to enter into the temple, to have Prasad. It is vast to absorb the sorrows of the world and fill the hearts with happiness.   In Jagannath Sanskruti, it has been said ‘Bada Thakura’, ‘Bada Danda’ , Bada Deula etc, to feel our generosity inside ourselves, that yes, we can accept others without diluting our originality. Is it the sense of abundance, defined by Chanakya in his  sutra or it is consciousness of vastness within ourselves, which germinates the seed of worldly togetherness, peace and calmness. 

The openness is the only way to enjoy the diversity in this world, in beauties, in knowledge and wisdom, in culture, in education, in financial power, nationality, culture, faith etc. Openness accepts the things, as it is existing in the world. Openness is freedom, free from all negativities. it is generous, it is positive, it is motivating, it is divinity. More we open our heart and mind to accept others, ‘Aham’ or ‘Me’ goes away from us and we develop the interconnectedness to all. This Openness creates relationship, it creates togetherness, it creates families, it creates communities, it creates organisations, it creates society.  Where neither I , nor you, neither he, nor she exists, just we human beings.  Open the door, accept the world, the world will be yours. ……


Published On: June 23, 2020979 wordsCategories: Uncategorized7 Comments
Param Brahma



  1. Dilip Kumar Samantasinghar June 24, 2020 at 2:56 am - Reply

    "Naanaa muninan naanaa matah; naanaa shaadtraani naanaa pathah". Someone very truly posted the statement. But, we will only be able to achieve our destination once we build ourselves to deserve it. I salute to the narrator by heart for her cheerful and mind blowing description.
    Dilip Kumar Samantasinghar
    Exam Cell School of Civil Engineering KIIT DU

  2. Dr. Shyam Sundar Behura June 24, 2020 at 3:05 am - Reply

    The author’s tilte is very apt. Our Mind, heart and conscience are like windows and doors of our house, the body. They need to be kept opened to allow positive vibes enter your body and give you the confidence to believe in yourself, believe in your capabilities and act accordingly. Your mind will allow flow of thoughts to plan and execute, your heart will add the ingredients of love, humanism and compassion whereas your conscience will filter out any negativity. I appreciate the concept of the author nicely structuring her blog with examples. So let’s OPEN THE DOOR…

  3. Unknown June 24, 2020 at 3:58 am - Reply

    The title of the article is meaningful and spells out the difference between the self esteem and care for others. If we believe in ourselves with a positive thinking and objective oriented, things become simpler. This further leads to openness in our mind to enjoy everything in this world which is brilliantly narrated by the author with several examples from epic to present era. (B.G. Mohapatra)

  4. Saroja June 24, 2020 at 7:40 am - Reply

    Confidence helps to built something and open ness helps to lean something.

  5. Dr Gaganendu Dash June 24, 2020 at 2:35 pm - Reply

    Learning is a sensibility as much as it is practice. It needs to be nurtured and encouraged. We seek our ideas, information and approaches so we can learn from others, including those views differ from ours.Author is right in saying a person with a high level of openness can only try new things. Individuals who are low in openness would find themselves not trying new things.Sports and Physical Education can better learn if coach and players open to new skills and techniques to perform better.

  6. Dr Ashok Kumar Sahoo June 24, 2020 at 6:00 pm - Reply

    Openness is freedom, free from all negativity. Absolutely true and Exceptionally well described and must read article.

  7. Dr. Amlan Panda June 26, 2020 at 4:03 am - Reply

    Prof. Galilio’s theory turns to insightful thoughts, confidence,and courage, and finally with great confidence. New innovations are theframework for the exigencies of organizations. Work with a positive attitude and responsibleprovide primacy to the enterprises. The author silhouettes regarding commitment, respectfulness, positiveness citing great examples.


Sasmita Samanta

Prof. Sasmita Samanta is an accomplished academician and administrator with more than two and half decades of experience in strategizing excellence in professional and technical education. Currently she wears the mantle of Professor of Management and Vice-Chancellor of KIIT Deemed to be University.

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